Ink and Resilience

Ink and Resilience: My Journey as a Junior Tattoo Artist during the Pandemic

Regina Pérez Mercado

As I sit here in my living room, tattooing an orchid on my ankle thinking of my mom...

Listening to the humming of the familiar buzz of the tattoo machine, I can’t help but reflect on the whirlwind of the past two and a half years. My journey into the world of tattoo artistry began during one of the most unexpected and challenging times – the COVID-19 pandemic. Little did I know that my passion for ink and creativity would flourish in the midst of such adversity.

The Beginnings of My Tattoo Odyssey

Before the pandemic hit, I had always been drawn to the world of tattoos. The intricate designs, the stories they told, and the endless possibilities for self-expression fascinated me. However, like many aspiring artists, I lacked the opportunity to break into the industry. But fate had other plans.

As lockdowns swept across the world, my dreams of becoming a tattoo artist were on hold. Determined not to let the pandemic stifle my creative spirit, I decided to start practicing from the comfort of my own room. Armed with my trusty cheap tattoo machine, an abundance of patience, and a plethora of online tutorials, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and skill-building.

Turning My Room into a Tattoo Haven

My room became my sanctuary, the bed doubled as my workstation, and late into the night, I would meticulously practice on artificial skin, and oranges improving my technique. It wasn’t easy; the learning curve was steep, and there were moments of frustration. But with each passing day, my skills improved, and my confidence grew.

The pandemic may have kept us physically apart, but it brought together a vibrant online community of tattoo enthusiasts and artists. I found support, encouragement, and invaluable advice from fellow tattoo artists, both experienced and aspiring, through social media and online forums. It was a reminder that even in isolation, we could connect and share our passion.

Embracing the Challenges

As restrictions slowly eased, I decided to take my newfound skills to the next level. I decided to start saving up for a professional machine but that would take a while since they aren’t cheap at all. While I saved up I started practicing simple tattoos on myself, especially on my feet… I thought that I should be able to tattoo myself and feel comfortable with my skills before inking anyone else.

The Present and the Future

Today, I find myself here, in my living room, with my new machine and two and a half years of experience under my belt. Currently working on my portfolio and continuing to smooth out my black work technique. The journey from practicing in oranges to being admitted to tattoo for two days in a local famous Vancouver market (@eastsideflea) was far from easy, but it was undeniably worth it. My art has evolved, my techniques have refined, and my passion for tattooing has grown stronger than ever.

The pandemic may have been a time of uncertainty and isolation, but it also gave me the opportunity to turn my passion into a career. It taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering dedication to one’s dreams.

As I continue to create art on the canvas of human skin, I am grateful for the path I have taken. The pandemic may have closed doors, but it also opened windows of opportunity. It reminded me that sometimes, the most beautiful art is born from the most challenging circumstances.

So here’s to the ink, the resilience, and the enduring pursuit of creativity, even when the world stands still.

I hope you find this blog post from the perspective of a queer female junior tattoo artist with two and a half years of experience engaging and inspiring! 

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Linda Daniella


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